Unhappy in your career or life?
You've come to the right place!
Ask yourself these questions...
Are you satisfied with your current career and life goals, or do you sense a need for greater clarity and direction?
Are you struggling to find a balance between your work life and personal life?
Do you lose sleep worrying about your career and/or life or sleep too much to shut out the world?
Do you experience the 'Sunday Night Scaries' or 'Blues' because you know Monday is around the corner?
Do you hit snooze over and over because you dread starting your workday?
Are you eagerly counting the days until the weekend arrives or the next vacation?
Are you lacking motivation and energy to do the things you used to love?
Do you feel happy with how much fitness or movement you get during the week?
Do you find it challenging to make yourself a priority during the week?
Are you feeling stuck and like you have to settle for life the way it currently is?
If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, click the link below
to book a FREE Find Your Joy Call!
Hi, I'm Meena!
As a certified holistic life coach and founder of Love Life Now Coaching, I help women manage their anxiety, decide if they should stay or leave their current jobs, and what the next steps are. During the day, I'm an elementary school teacher.
Aside from that, I love chocolate, desserts, and Mexican food. Give me all the refried beans all day everyday! I've been a vegetarian since 5th grade. I also love going to exercises classes at my gym several times per week.

Imagine living a life where you...
Wake up eager and excited to start your day!
Have the courage to pursue your goals and dreams despite what others might say or think.
No longer let your own fears and insecurities hold you back from achieving what you desire.
Have a clear path for working towards your career goals.
Feel fulfilled in all areas of your life.
Discover your life purpose and have the courage to pursue it.
Regain control of your health so that you feel energized and vibrant.
Enjoy life’s simple pleasures and start living in the moment.
Handle life’s challenges using your own toolkit to guide you.
Stop using distractions as a way to make yourself feel better.
You are Meant to have a Career and Life Filled with Joy!

Podcasts That I Was Featured On:
Love Yourself Fiercely: Love Life Now
The Power of Owning Your Own Career: How to Find Incredible Joy In Your Career
The Soulful Mind: Discover Your Life Purpose
The Visionaries Collective: How To Get Unstuck and Go After What You Desire
Live Your Best Life w/ Lady Myya: Happier On A Different Path
Chasing Happiness: Get Unstuck